Do antihistamines stop pet allergies?
Pet AllergyHow common are allergies to pets?Cat and dog allergy is common, especially in people who also have allergic asthma or hay fever. It is also possible to be allergic to other types of animals including those with hair (fur), feathers or even scales, including:RabbitsRodents such as guinea pigs, mice and hamstersBirdsHorsesReptiles, such as iguanasIn addition allergy to pet bedding (straw, shredded paper, moulds ) is a possibilityWhat causes pet allergy? Pet allergy is caused by the ... read more
Can dogs have PTSD?
Dog PTSD Guide: Symptoms, Treatment & Why It Happens | PupfordIn our journey as dog lovers, it's essential to recognize that our four-legged companions can also experience emotional challenges, just like humans. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) isn't limited to people; it can affect dogs too. In this blog, we'll delve into the world of dog PTSD and explore how we can compassionately help them manage their emotional struggles. As responsible pet parents and trainers, understanding and ... read more
Why is my dog getting black moles?
Spotting Moles on Dogs:Signs, Diagnosis, and TreatmentThis post may contain affiliate links. If you click and buy we may make a commission, at no additional charge to you. Please see our disclosure policy for more details.You might have observed some dark spots that may be flat or raised, mostly around the neck, chest, or back of your dogs.Moles in dogs are common but not as common as in humans. Moles in dogs are generally treated by surgical methods.Moles in dogs are often harmless, but if ... read more
Does Rice make dogs itchy?
Can dog food make a dog itch?The short answer is yes, dog food can definitely make a dog itch. This is usually due to a food allergy if the dog food is directly involved. Common allergens include chicken, wheat, beef, oats, dairy,cornand rice. Other reasons why a dog may itch include fleas, ticks, infection, or a reaction to something.The skin is the largest organ in your dogs body, responsible for providing a natural barrier against harmful germs. As one of the first lines of defence against ... read more
Can cetirizine stop itching?
Cetirizine - Brand names: Allacan, Benadryl Allergy, Piriteze Allergy, Zirtek AllergyIf you or your child have been prescribed cetirizine, follow your doctor's instructions about how and when to take it. If it is from a pharmacy or shop, follow the instructions that come with the packet.Dosage and strengthCetirizine comes as tablets and capsules (10mg) and as a liquid medicine (labelled either 5mg/5ml or 1mg/1ml).The usual dose for adults is 10mg once a day.Doses are usually lower for people ... read more
Is dog licking anxiety?
Signs of Anxiety in Dogs and PuppiesTheres been a huge shift in understanding and treating human anxiety over the past decade. Our canine counterparts also feel stress and anxiety, but they cant verbalize their feelings, which makes it hard to know when theyre feeling anxious.When you become a dog parent, you take on the job of recognizing what causes anxiety for your pup. If you lessen these causes, you can make your dog feel as safe and comfortable as possible in their environment. Signs of ... read more
What does a black lump mean?
What Does a Black Lump on a Dogs Skin Mean?What Does a Black Lump on a Dogs Skin Mean?Pigmented lumps or black lumps on dog skin can cause pet parents to panic. The concern often stems from how human medicine has educated us about the dangers of skin cancer. This is correct since, just as with people, dogs can also get skin cancer.The most dangerous cause of a pigmented lump or bump on the skin is melanoma. First, lets look at all the possible causes of black lumps in dogs and then we will ... read more
Do pet allergies get worse over time?
Can Cat Allergies Get Worse? Understanding the Causes and SymptomsCat allergies can be a frustrating and sometimes debilitating condition for those who suffer from them. It is estimated that up to one-third of people with allergies are also allergic to cats. And while some people may experience mild symptoms such as sneezing and a runny nose, others may experience more severe reactions that can affect their quality of life.Understanding Cat AllergiesWhat are Cat Allergies?Cat allergies are a ... read more
Is it healthy to let your dog lick you?
Why Do Dogs Lick You?You may love your dog, but not all of us like slobbery kisses from our furry canine friends. Many pet parents believe their dogs lick them to show affection, and while this may be true some of the time, there are also many other functions for licking.So, why do dogs lick us? And are there different reasons for why dogs lick your hands, face, ears, feet, or legs?Key TakeawaysDogs lick people (including our faces, hands, legs, ears, and feet) for many different reasons.This ... read more
Why do autistic kids love dogs?
The Bond Between Animals and the AutisticThe ABA treatment [discussed earlier by readers] dates back to a time when psychologists theorized that autistic people could not readily interpret social cues because their empathy was too low, owing to defects in their brains. Today there is a challenge to that assumption: They may have *too much* empathy, and so social interactions are too loud and frightening, causing them to withdraw. Which is true? The answer should drive treatment approaches. Its ... read more
Does dog need bath for itching?
Why Is My Dog Itching?Once you notice your dog itching, check for fleas and ticks first. These blood-dependent pests use dogs as hosts all the time and can latch on anywhere. Ticks can go unnoticed for some time until they become fully engorged and large enough for you to spot and remove. Keep in mind these irritating insects can and do carry a variety of dangerous diseases, so it's important to check for them during tick season and any time your dog enters a potentially infested area (anywhere ... read more
Are cancerous lumps hard or soft?
Whats the Difference Between Cysts and Tumors?Cysts and tumors are two common types of lumps. It can be hard to tell them apart because theyre often found in the same places. However, there are a few key differences between the two.Finding a lump under your skin is alarming, but most of the time theyre harmless. If its a cyst, it is a small sac filled with air, fluid, or other material. A tumor refers to any unusual area of extra tissue. Both cysts and tumors can appear in your skin, tissue, ... read more
How do I treat bumps on my dog?
Lumps and Bumps on Dogs Skin: Signs, Symptoms, CausesWhat is that strange bump on your dog? Discovering a skin lump or bump on your dog can set your mind reeling and heart racing, but theres no need to panic. A bump on your dog doesnt automatically mean cancer. While skin bumps and strange lumps on dogs should always be taken seriously, certain types of bumps are more common than you might think, and theyre often harmless.Types of Skin Lumps and Bumps on DogsSkin bumps that youre likely to find ... read more
Can allergies go away?
Can You Outgrow Your Allergies?Most people with allergies first develop them as children or infants. But as they age, some individuals seem to leave their hay fever, pet allergies or even food allergies behind.Doctors don't know exactly why, but people's allergies actually can disappear over time. And even when they don't disappear, allergies vary significantly.The severity of allergic reactions differs widely among people, and even within the same individual, allergic reactions can change in ... read more
Will bathing my dog help my allergies?
Wondering how to help a dog with allergies? Heres what to do, according to a vetIf you suspect your dog has an allergy, you are no doubt wondering how to help a dog with allergies. You might see your dog itching, chewing their paws, or they might have loose stool or red skin. They may also have recurrent ear or eye infections, and be losing fur.Allergies can be sparked by many things, including changing seasons, pollens, dust, fragranced products around the home, or the food the dog is eating. ... read more
What meats are cooling for dogs?
Read This Before Diving Into Warming/Cooling Foods for Your DogKeep the Tail Wagging is supported by pet parents. I occasionally earn a commission (at no additional cost to you) when you click through an affiliate link to one of my favorite products. Thank you for your support. Read MoreFood energetics is a concept borrowed from traditional Chinese medicine, which holds that everything in the universeincluding foodhas its unique energy. This is largely based on the concept of Qi, or life ... read more
Can dogs get ADHD?
Can Dogs Have ADHD? (Symptoms & Signs Of ADHD In Dogs)Dogs can experience symptoms of a condition that resembles ADHD. A study undertaken in Finland showed that for some dogs, low levels of fatty acids in their blood - could reveal that they have what we humans know as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or ADHD.Dogs with suspected ADHD also show some of the same chemical markers as humans with ADHD.What is ADHD?Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a condition that affects ... read more
Is beef or salmon better for dogs with allergies?
Is Beef or Salmon Dog Food Better for Dogs?When it comes to choosing the right food for your furry friend, there are a plethora of options available in the market. Among them, beef and salmon dog food are two popular choices. Both have their own set of benefits and it can be quite overwhelming to decide which one is better for your dog. In this article, we will delve deeper into the nutritional aspects of beef and salmon dog food and help you make an informed decision.The Nutritional Value of ... read more
Can dogs be bipolar?
Dogs can have a type of bipolar issue and other mental illnesses that affect their quality of life, especially if they go undiagnosed and untreated. It is not just bipolar disorder than can affect your pup, but any mental illnesses ranging from depression to anxiety to PTSD to obsessive-compulsive disorder. These mental disorders do not consistently present as they would in humans but have been diagnosed and visible in some aspect in many dogs. These illnesses tend to show up more often when a ... read more
When should I worry about lumps on my dog?
Lumps On Dogs. How To Know When To Worry And What To Expect At The VetWhen you pay enough attention to your dog, as we know many dog parents do, there are times when youll find that something is out of place. Either theyre limping in a way that you dont know what caused it, or maybe they arent as interested in their toys the way they used to be. Changes like those arent always something that causes instant concern, but when you notice a lump or bump on your dogs body that wasnt there before, ... read more