Can dogs tell if people have autism
Can Dogs Have Autism? What Current Scientific Evidence Tells Us
Dog behavior is almost as complex as human behavior, although much of it is innate. Their emotions are a mystery to us, but as pet owners, we'll often suspect conditions in dogs that are similar to humans, such as dog autism. But can dogs have autism, and what do experts say?
The real answer iswe don't know. Dog autism has been studied since the 1960s, yet we still have no certain answer to this question.
However, while there is no clear science yet on this, some evidence shows that it's possible for a dog to have autism based on what we have from human research, particularly in autistic kids. But there's a lot more to this, and dog autism could, in fact, be a real condition. The answer to the question, Can dogs have autism? lies somewhere in our understanding of dogs' behavior better, so let's start there.
Understanding Your Dog's Behavior
Studies show that our canine friends can suffer differing emotions that are very similar to our own feelings. Watching your pet pooch, once you get to know their individual traits, you will start to notice when they feel happy or fearful. Dogs may even have a sense of humor, scientists say. In fact, there's some research that states how dogs can laugh and smile too, according to Psychology Today.
To some extent, their bodies function similarly to humans in that they produce hormones and chemicals that help determine their moods. Some studies have shown they even have the same production of the famous love hormone, oxytocin, which is the reason we experience the feeling of affection for puppies and the majority of animals.
With a better understanding of our dog's general social behavior and emotions, we are able to deduce and compare how closely their reserved and unsocial behavior resembles autism, including any similar signs we see in autistic kids. Below is what I've found on what scientists have already researched and what they believe about dog autism.
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Can Dogs Have Autism?
How Autistic Dogs Would Behave
Autism is a developmental disorder affecting the subject's communication and interaction. It's likely you've noticed your dog shying away from you or being closed off, and now you wonder, can dogs have autism, and what can you do? Let's take a closer look at this.
It's clear that there are a lot of similarities between humans and dogs when it comes to emotions and the state of mind. This is crucial to understand before we can effectively answer whether dogs have autism and how this condition manifests itself in canines. It's also important to know a dog's way of communication, which is intrinsically related to a potential dog's autism condition.
For example, most recent studies found that dogs do, in fact, communicate to us using their facial expressions, which is how dog autism would be expressed. Other studies have also proven that certain hormones can cause aggression in dogs, and a similar pattern can be observed in other canine behaviors, such as autism.
There are certain patterns to understanding your dog, in particular, his facial expressions and body language. Dog sounds and vocal communication must also be factored in. But much of your pooch's communications comes through its tail, such as:
- This indicates how happy they feel. The quicker the wag, the more excited they are.
- A slow wag can be a sign that the pooch is unsure of a situation.
- Straight and horizontal in position can mean the pooch is alert and assessing a situation;
- Held straight but higher, he leans towards the pooch, showing signs of aggression. It could be that your dog feels threatened.
- Almost vertical means the pooch thinks hes the dominant one.
- The lower the tail drops, the more submissive they are.
- Tucked under the body is full submission and worry.
But what if your pet dog is behaving more withdrawnly? You are sure that your pooch is not unhappy at home, because he is well loved by the family. These symptoms of what appears to be sadness could mean that the dog is suffering from a developmental syndrome or cognitive dysfunctions. It's not the emotional mish-mash of hormones.
Research with autistic kids
In human children, if a child is not communicating or interacting as well as they should for their age, specialists will assess the kid for autism. Diagnoses of autism in kids depend much on where they are on the spectrum. The results will define how well a child can live a what we would classify a normal life.
Diagnosis of autism is carried out by testing, like for any other neurodevelopment disorder. The child is assessed on how much they socially interact and how they behave in social groups. They will also assess whether the kid has developed any repetitive behavioral patterns.
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Dogs and Autism: More Studies
The evidence on autism in dogs is patchy at best. Some studies seem to show that similar symptoms of autism are present in dogs. Patterns such as repetitive motor behaviors are often a symptom of autism in people, and it may show in a dog in various ways, such as:
- Flank suckling is common with Dobermans.
- Tail chasing is common in bull terriers.
A genetic condition, Fragile-X syndrome, is common in people with autism. In people, this presents itself as a prominent forehead, large ears, a long face, and a high-arched palette. You could argue that these features are similar in a Bull terrier. Does that make them more liable to suffer autism?
In 2014, The American College of Veterinary Behaviorists discussed similar investigations. There, they referred to a study carried out on Bull terriers. It had highlighted the repetitive signs of tail-chasing. The dogs that compulsively acted in such a way were also noted to be socially withdrawn. Plus, they struggled to follow training instructions. It was more common in males who also showed aggressive tendencies. Experts have long suspected that such behavior is similar to that of autistic children.
There is another ongoing study that specifically looks at autistic kids and dogs that have been presumed to have dog autism. We haven't seen any conclusive results on this yet, but the scientists are attempting to provide a better answer: can dogs have autism, or is that simply something we're incorrectly assuming based on what we see in kids?
The bottom line
Can dogs have autism? We don't know. It's possible for dogs to be autistic, but more evidence is needed to confirm the many hypotheses that have been proposed by scientists since the 1960s.
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10 Signs of Dog Autism
Going on the assumption that dog autism is, in fact, real, these could be the indicators that your dog has a problem with socializing, a common symptom of autism. Do remember, though, that there could be a whole number of other reasons why your dog is behaving in this way. Pooch may be ill. If it's a rescue dog, he may have suffered abuse in the previous home or is experiencing high levels of stress. If in doubt, consult a vet.
- Cannot interact effectively with other dogs.
- Lacking enthusiasm for energetic activities.
- Repetitive behavior, such as the tail chasing circles or pacing up and down in the same spot.
- Never seems to get excited or fearful, as if lacking in emotions.
- Sits in a daze, staring at nothing. (don't confuse this with a sleepy daze on a hot day.)
- Overreaction to loud noises.
- Lack of eye contact with owners.
- Hiding away.
- Not much tail-wagging in an emotional sense.
- Doesnt take well to touching or handling, even by its owners.
Be realistic in your observations. If your dog only shows a few of the symptoms or occasionally acts this way, it may not be a dog autism issue and simply be your Fido's personal characteristics coming through.
Causes Of Dog Autism
Many veterinaries would be cautious about describing certain behaviors as canine autism. Few, though, would deny that some symptoms are very similar to those of autistic people. One explanation proposed by some animal specialists has similarities to autism in humansMirror Neuron dysfunction, which has been linked to autism. It's also named monkey-see-monkey-do, as it was first identified in rhesus monkeys.
Scientists tell us that the Mirror Neurons function to help us learn and replicate behavior from others. The child would often copy the parents. There would be other higher cognitive functions, too. Such behavior helps us to identify and empathize with others. Autistic people often have difficulty understanding others and being empathetic.
There is no concrete scientific evidence not only that dogs may have this dysfunction but that dogs even have Mirror Neurons. One study has shown, though, that dogs do mirror the behavior of other dogs, so it's currently suspected by scientists that dogs may, in fact, have Mirror Neurons, which would bring us closer to understanding the reasons for dog autism and help answer the underlying question, can dogs have autism.
Dogs that display these types of behaviors will be harder to understand. It may even be difficult to become fond of them. This is because they often do not return your affection. If anything, they are the ones that need the extra love and patience. Studies continue, and perhaps one day, there may be evidence on whether a dog can suffer from autism. That day is not today, however.
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Can Dogs be Autistic? 5 Major Symptoms and Treatments
The mystery behind Autism in Dogs
Veterinarians prefer to call this condition canine dysfunctional behavior instead of canine or dog autism, even when the symptoms are almost the same. The reason is that the science behind this behavioral rareness is still in diapers as the medical community doesnt fully understand this.
There are not enough studies or researches that can tell for sure what this autism in dogs is about, leaving us in the shadows. Isnt a surprise to see veterinarians reluctant to diagnose this rare condition, as it would be irresponsible to say this being 100% sure.
To dm Miklsi, leading expert on canine behavior from Scientific American, answers the question do dogs have mirror neurons? saying that dogs very likely possess mirror neurons, but we have no concrete proof just yet. Neuroscientist Giacomo Rizzolatti of the University of Parma in Italy and his colleagues discovered mirror neurons by accident during the 1990s, when they were studying motor neurons in rhesus monkeys.
Even though there are no official studies on this condition, according to some scientists that have been studying the mirroring neurons in dogs brains concluded that the dogs that presented the symptoms lacked those neurons and decided that those missing neurons are precisely the cause of the autism in dogs.
As this would be a neuronal difference, the dogs cant get sick with autism. The dog would have to be born with this condition, inherited from a relative, to present these symptoms.
Nevertheless, the cause has not been scientifically proven yet, and it remains unknown.
The missing mirroring neurons
Dog Autism Signs, Symptoms & Treatments
Dog Autism Signs, Symptoms & Treatments
Since research has advanced so much over the years, we are learning more and more about the disease called autism. While we may be familiar with this diagnosis in humans, many are starting to believe it may affect our canine companions. So can dogs have autism?
In this article we will dive into the topic of autism in dogs. Our goal is to help you understand what this tentative diagnosis could mean for your furry friend.
Can Dogs Have Autism?
Though this has become a controversial topic in the veterinary world, the subject of autism in dogs is gaining more traction. Autism is a condition that impacts the way a person views the world. It includes social and developmental complications that come along with it. Those with autism generally fall into a spectrum of impaired interactions and behaviors. They often have a combination of unique symptoms that impact their daily life.
So can dogs be autistic as well? Though we cant accurately gauge a dogs social interactions as we do in humans, scientists have been recording autism-like behavior in dogs since the 1960s. The research could point to an official diagnosis of autism in dogs one day. It simply states that this condition could be possible. So if you think your dog has autism, its time to read along and see if your dog falls into any of the behavioral criteria that we will dive into below.
What Can Cause Autism In Dogs?
Though the topic of autism in dogs is still being researched, some scientists do believe there are possible causes behind autism-like behavior in dogs. Veterinary professionals cant say that these are definitive causes.
These possible causes of autism in dogs include:
- Genetics, and that it could be a hereditary condition
- Lack of neurons within the brain (there is ongoing research on this possibility)
- Underdeveloped connections within the brain
- Improper socialization
Dog Autism Symptoms
Since possible autism in dogs is a condition that affects their social behaviors, most of the possible symptoms include underdeveloped social skills and behaviors. Though autism is not yet an official diagnosis, there are some common signs and symptoms in dogs that are thought to be autism candidates.
The most common symptoms of possible autism in dogs includes:
- Chronic behavioral problems that wont seem to resolve
- Poor socialization skills with other dogs
- Poor socialization skills with humans
- Not responsible to calls, for example their own name
- Disinterest in activities that most dogs love, like playing with toys, playing with their owners, etc.
- Easily experiencing sensory overload with noises, stimulation, etc.
- Unable to concentrate on activities or skills that dogs usually enjoy
Since many of these symptoms can be a result of other behavioral and medical conditions, its important to speak with your vet if your dog ever experiences any of the above behavior.
How To Diagnose Autism In Dogs
Possible autism in dogs is an extremely tricky condition to diagnose. Since autism is yet to be officially recognized as a possibility in our canine friends, you may not ever receive the actual diagnosis from your veterinarian. If you think that your dog may have autism, there are a few behavioral assessments that may help your doctor in accepting the possibility.
Behavioral disorders and other conditions like this are more challenging to diagnose in dogs. Since so many of these conditions have such a broad spectrum of symptoms and no set diagnostic tools, you may only receive a tentative diagnosis. Similar to anxiety in dogs, most vets will often recommend environmental changes and mood stabilizing medications to try and relieve any severe behavioral symptoms.
In order for a vet to consider the possibility of a dog having autism, the dog must show chronic behavioral patterns that allude to the condition. Your veterinarian may perform diagnostics to rule out other medical possibilities that could cause these symptoms. Only then they may consider the chance that a dog has autism-like behaviors.
Can You Treat Dog Autism?
Autism in dogs is yet to be officially recognized, so there is no set treatment plan for the possible condition. Since the only problems that can be addressed are the behavioral issues that a dog presents, the best treatment option is to meet the dog where they are struggling. Most dogs that struggle with possible autism generally have their own set of triggers. Its important to try and help them with these situations.
Make Adjustments That Benefit Them
For example, if you know that your dog struggles with interactions with other dogs, you should try to support them in these situations and avoid canine conflict when possible. Another example would include a dog that suffers from severe separation anxiety, and trying to adjust your schedule to allow for more time at home. Most of these behavioral struggles improve most when a dog owner offers a solution in the dogs environment. Making your home a safe zone for your struggling dog can help to improve their life immensely.
Offer A Stress Free Life
One of the biggest triggers for dogs with autism is excess stress. A chaotic life is stressful enough for a dog, but can be detrimental for a dog that struggles with possible dog autism. Since these dogs do not have the ability to cope in stressful situations, they often struggle greatly. Because of this, its important to offer as stress free of a life as possible.
This may mean:
- Offering your dog a quiet environment
- Avoiding people coming and going from your home
- Avoiding extended periods away from home
- Offering a safe zone like a crate or comfortable bed, and more.
Mental stimulation and positive exercise can relieve stress in dogs with autism. Excess energy can cause any dog to become anxious, but especially dogs that struggle with autism or other behavioral issues. Not only can excess energy cause a dog to experience stress, but it can also result in even more behavioral issues within your home. Try your best to offer your dog mentally stimulating toys, enjoyable exercise, and any other activities that take their mind off their struggles.
If your dog needs medical intervention, there are medication options that help dogs work through severe anxiety and other behavioral issues. Some dogs cannot find relief in changes within their environment alone, and require extra veterinary care to find comfort. If you think your dog has autism that cannot be resolved with daily changes, you can speak with your veterinarian about medical intervention.
Special Needs In Dogs
So can dogs have special needs? Since our dogs are just as prone to medical conditions that can impact their daily lives, there is no doubt that dogs can be considered special needs. If a furry friend has a condition that requires a bit of extra help on our part, that means they fall into the category of dogs with special needs.
A dog with special needs is no less lovable than any other pup, and can bring immense joy to our lives. Almost any condition has a list of management options that can help to improve their lives, and can offer them a brighter future. Just be sure to speak with your vet about your concerns with your pup, and they can point you in a positive direction.
Final Thoughts About Autism in Dogs
Though autism in dogs is still being researched, its clear that the possibility of this condition in dogs is on the map. Be sure to review the information we discussed above on and know that there is help for dogs who may have autism or some kind of special needs.
My name is Amber. I am a dedicated animal lover that turned my passion into my career. I am a Licensed Vet Tech with 12 years of experience in veterinary medicine, but I recently took my career online to help spread accurate information on animal care. With how vast the online world is, I have a strong desire to ensure that the reader always walks away with helpful pet advice. With the experience Ive gained from my time in this field, I have been able to travel the world, offering my services to as many animal rescues as I can find. If I am not at my laptop, or back home visiting family, you can find me somewhere in the world, cuddling every furry friend that I can find! More About Us