Do dogs eat less as they age
Is your old dog not eating? It probably has nothing to do with hunger
Your dog is not only your best friend, but also a member of your family. Thats why it can be so special to watch them grow up and grow old. Sharing your life with a senior dog is a joy and a privilege, especially when youve been through so much together. But caring for an older pet wont be without its challenges.
Just like the bump in health issues we see in human senior citizens, an increased risk of health problems is also common in senior dogs. Older dogs frequently experience changes in their eating and sleeping patterns, such as snoozing more often or a decrease in appetite. While small, gradual shifts are to be expected, sudden changes are worth looking into.
If you have an old dog eating but not drinking water or an old dog sleeping a lot and not eating, its time to bring your senior pooch to the vet for a checkup. Heres what you need to know about an old dog not eating, from why it happens to what you can do about it.
What could your old dogs loss of appetite mean?
Its always alarming when one of your fur babies stops eating out of the blue, but a sudden loss of appetite is particularly worrisome when you have an older dog. However, you dont need to panic! Changes in appetite arent necessarily a sign that your dog is approaching the end of life.
As dogs age, their metabolism and activity levels slow. Because your pooch is expending less energy, they may not feel the need to eat as much as they used to. In rarer cases, your dogs loss of appetite may also be due to an underlying health problem, such as:
Unfortunately, cancer is the leading cause of death in dogs ages 10 and older. Half of all dogs will develop cancer in their lifetimes, and an estimated one out of four dogs will die from this heartbreaking disease.
A number of different cancers can cause a change in appetite, but it can also be a side effect of many cancer treatments. In many cases, a veterinarian will be able to help you come up with a plan to keep your fur baby fed an comfortable.
Your pooch may suffer from a loss of appetite, vomiting, and diarrhea if theyre afflicted with this potentially life-threatening inflammation of the pancreas. Pancreatitis can have a high mortality rate approximately 40% of dogs suffering from severe acute pancreatitis wont survive but it can be treated if its caught early. This is why its never a bad idea to visit the vet when youre feeling worried.
Addisons disease
Often called the great imitator for its ability to mimic other illnesses, Addisons disease affects your dogs adrenal glands, leaving them unable to produce hormones necessary to control basic bodily functions. Hair loss, diarrhea, vomiting, loss of appetite, increased thirst, dehydration, and shaking are all symptoms of this disease. While Addisons disease is incurable, its symptoms are treatable.
Heart problems
Just like humans, older dogs are at an increased risk of heart problems, such as heart valve degeneration, cardiac arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat), and canine dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM), a weakening of the heart muscle that leaves it unable to pump blood properly. Some breeds may be prone to heart problems, too, so its worth doing your research.
Kidney and liver problems
Loss of appetite is a common symptom of kidney and liver diseases, which results in an inability to properly remove waste from the bloodstream and a buildup of toxins. Kidney and liver disease are both common in dogs, especially older dogs.
Non-serious causes for loss of appetite
Fortunately, your senior dogs loss of appetite may not be anything to worry about. Just like people, dogs can experience a loss of appetite because of a stomachache, overindulgence, or even food poisoning. If your dog suffers from allergies or has contracted a cold, they may not be interested in food for a few different reasons: either they cant smell it, or they just dont feel like eating.
Because a loss of appetite may be a symptom of a potentially life-threatening illness, we recommend taking your dog to the vet as soon as possible. Yes even though its a false alarm most of the time! If your pup also stops drinking, though, its time for a visit to the emergency vet.
What to do when your old dog stops eating
Just like humans, dogs have distinctive personalities. Some dogs are finicky eaters and turn their noses up at most foods, while others eat every last bite of kibble, no matter what you feed them. When you notice a change in your dogs appetite, its important to make a note of whats changed.
A loss of appetite doesnt necessarily mean your dog refuses to eat a single bite, but they may not be eating as much as they used to. It can still be a cause for concern, though; seeing your dog refuse to finish a bowl of their favorite food is disconcerting for any pet parent. Some dogs may stop eating altogether.
Whether your dog isnt as enthusiastic as they used to be at mealtime or theyve given up on food completely, we recommend a trip to your vet for a checkup. Your vet will undoubtedly ask questions about your dogs eating habits, such as:
- How long has it been since your dog ate?
- Have there been any changes in your dogs diet or home life?
- How much has your dog been eating at a time recently? Is the amount different from usual?
- Is your dog losing weight?
- Does your dog have any other symptoms, like vomiting or diarrhea?
- Has your dogs water consumption increased or decreased?
- Does your dog reject all food, or are they willing to eat certain things?
- Do you free-feed your dog? If not, how often do you feed your dog every day?
Because dental disease is commonin older dogs, your vet will probably examine your dogs teeth to rule that out as a potential cause. The vet will also probably conduct blood tests and collect urine and fecal matter samples.
What happens when an old dog stops drinking water?
As previously mentioned, a dog who isnt drinking water could be in a lot more trouble than a dog who isnt eating. After all, water is essential to every bodily function, and it only takes a few days without water to end a persons or animals life. Fortunately, there are many strategies pet owners can implement to get their fur babies hydrated again.
If a dog isnt drinking water because of an environmental change, you will want to do your best to recreate their old water bowl setup. Alternatively, raising your old dogs water dish might make it easier for them to reach water without bending down on sore joints. Sometimes, though, a dog doesnt drink water because theyre dealing with a medical condition.
Happy Tails ER Vet recommends enticing a dog to drink with a bit of chicken broth in their water, or by letting them chew on ice cubes. If the problem persists and your dog shows signs of dehydration, though, its essential to make an appointment with your veterinarian.
Your dog is your best friend and a beloved member of the family, so you do everything you can to provide them with the best food, fun toys to play with, and your endless devotion. Youre familiar with all your fur babys habits, so you know something is wrong when you notice them turning up their nose at their favorite kibble.
Keep a close eye on your pup for a day or two in case the appetite returns to normal on its own, taking notes on any other changes in behavior or additional symptoms, and take your dog to the vet if theyre not back to normal within two days. If your fur baby also refuses to drink water or displays more worrying symptoms like extreme lethargy, call your vet to see if they want you to bring your dog in right away, or take them to an emergency vet just to be safe. You know your dog best!
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Feeding an Elderly Dog: How a Dog's Dietary Requirements Change With Age
Feeding an Elderly Dog: How a Dog's Dietary Requirements Change With Age
July 24, 2019|By Richard Cross,
Just like us, our dogs can face some big challenges as they grow older but with some careful changes to your senior dog's diet, these challenges can be alleviated or sometimes negated all together.
In this article, we'll discuss five ways a dog's dietary requirements change with age and by the end, you should feel more confident in meeting your senior dog's nutritional needs.
But before we go any further, it's important to understand that canine nutrition is a complex topic. Your senior dog's diet should be discussed with a vet, as his age, weight, health conditions and preferences can all affect what he should eat.
When is a Dog Considered Elderly?
There's no strictly defined age when a dog changes from "adult" to "senior." The age varies depending on the dog's size, weight and health.
Big dogs tend to live shorter lives, so they are often considered senior at around 6-years old. Small breeds may not be senior dogs until they are 9-years old.
Size isn't the only factor though. From a medical viewpoint, a dog might not be considered senior until he starts showing symptoms of aging. These include a change in weight, vision problems, or joint pain.
The dog's weight also plays an important role. Overweight or obese dogs age more quickly, so are likely to be considered senior at a younger age.
1. Older Dogs Need Fewer Calories
One of the most important changes to a senior dog's diet isn't related to the type of food, but the quantity.
A dog's metabolism slows with age. This means the body burns fewer calories and needs less food to function. Many senior dogs are also less energetic, so they burn even fewer calories.
As excess calories are converted into fat, a slower metabolism is one of the main reasons why older dogs tend to become overweight. Weight gain can reduce your dog's expected lifespan, increase joint pain, and generally make your dog less healthy.
It's essential that you limit your pet's food intake to maintain a healthy weight, either by using a low-calorie senior dog food or reducing your pet's daily meals. If you're not sure how to adjust your dog's diet, take a look at our guide or ask your vet for advice.
You don't want to underfeed your dog either, though. Too few calories can cause muscle loss, which may reduce mobility and make joints unstable. For this reason, you should closely monitor your dog's weight and adjust his diet to maintain a healthy weight.
Exercise is beyond the scope of this article, but is another important consideration. Older dogs need less intense exercise, but should still have daily walks to help support muscle condition, provide mental stimulation and maintain a healthy weight.
2. Older Dogs May Need More Protein
Maintaining muscle mass is vital for your dog's health as he gets older. It's important to provide your dog with enough protein, as his body may become less effective at synthesising protein with age.
This is why senior dog foods often contain higher quality protein sources. Meat and fish tend to be the easiest sources to digest, although some newer foods use insect protein. Cheaper protein sources, such as potato and soya, may be more difficult to digest.
There needs to be a balance when increasing protein though. Too much protein can put pressure on the kidneys - especially if your dog has kidney problems.
3. Dogs With Health Conditions May Need Special Diets
There are many senior dog foods on the market. These may be suitable for healthy dogs that are just getting older - but they are not designed for dogs with health problems.
If your dog has a health condition, you may need to adjust his diet to provide the nutrients he needs. You should always ask a vet for advice, but here are some common examples:
- Diabetes: It's essential that a dog with diabetes remains lean and slim, as weight gain makes it harder for the body to use insulin effectively. Most importantly, you should try to keep your dog's blood sugar levels as stable as possible. A diet that's high in fibre is usually recommended, as this causes food to be absorbed more slowly.
- Heart Disease: The correct diet can slow down or even resolve heart disease. Aside from maintaining a healthy weight, you should limit your dog's sodium intake. Be particularly careful with treats, as these often contain large amounts of salt. Supplementing with taurine and omega-3 fatty acids may also help.
- Kidney problems: As a general rule, dogs with kidney disease should be fed a diet with limited amounts of sodium and protein. The kidneys play a crucial role in synthesising protein, so too much can cause excessive strain. It's also vital to reduce the amount of phosphorous in your pet's diet, as this seems to be linked to a higher risk of kidney disease progression.
- Osteoarthritis: Omega-3 fatty acids are important for dogs that have arthritis. Some foods also contain chondroitin and glucosamine, which support joint cartilage, although you'll usually need to supplement these separately to get the correct amounts. The most important thing for a dog with arthritis is to maintain a healthy weight, as even a few extra pounds can increase pressure on joints.
On a related note, make sure you take into account your dog's teeth when choosing a food. Hard kibble is uncomfortable to eat for a dog with poor or missing teeth.
4. Some Older Dogs May Benefit From Supplementation
There is a wide range of supplements marketed for senior dogs. While some of these are certainly beneficial, many have little or no scientific backing.
With that said, there are several that you may want to consider. For dogs with joint pain, glucosamine and chondroitin can be very effective at supporting healthy cartilage. These supplements aren't going to eliminate pain, but they can help manage your pet's discomfort. The herb devil's Claw can also do wonders for a lot of dogs with joint problems.
Other supplements may slow cognitive decline. DHA, which is an omega-3 fatty acid, is one of the most widely recommended examples. Medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) are another type of fat that may provide certain health benefits, such as improved cognitive function.
5. Older Dogs May Need More Encouragement to Eat
It's normal for dogs to eat less as they get older, but they should still have a healthy appetite.
If your dog is eating a lot less than normal, or refuses to eat at all, this could be a sign of an underlying medical problem. Kidney disease, diabetes, cancer or dental problems can all affect your dog's appetite, so you should visit a vet as soon as possible for a diagnosis.
Once serious causes have been ruled out, there are a few things you can do to make food more appealing to a senior dog. These include:
- Try to make your dog's food more palatable, as senior dogs can be fussier about what they eat - often due to a reduced sense of taste. Adding cooked chicken is an easy example, although make sure you don't accidentally overfeed.
- If you're using dry kibble, try mixing it with warm water to make it softer and more appetising. Low-sodium chicken broth can be even more appealing.
- Multiple smaller meals throughout the day may be easier for your dog to digest than one or two large meals.
- If your dog is suffering from joint pain, discuss pain medication with your vet. It can be difficult for a dog to feel like eating if they are in pain.
- Some types of medication can affect a dog's appetite. If you think this might be the reason for your pet eating less, discuss alternative medications with your vet.
- Older dogs sometimes find it difficult to eat from bowls on the floor. Consider getting an elevated dish, so that your pet doesn't need to bend his neck so much to eat.
Every dog has slightly different dietary requirements, so you should always discuss your senior pet's food with a vet.
As a general rule, older dogs generally benefit from fewer calories (a lower calorie food or just smaller meals) and a good supply of quality protein. They may also need a diet that accounts for medical conditions and possibly more appetising meals as well as supplements to help them cope with the natural challenges that come with ageing.
About the author
Richard is a dog expert and editor of The Dog Clinic. His goal is to help dog parents build strong, kind and tolerant relationships with their pets through positive training and a deeper understanding of canine behaviour.