Is fish good for dogs with allergies
Types of Dog Allergies and How to Treat Them
Have you heard someone tell you that their dog has allergies? Has your veterinarian suggested that allergies could be a problem for your dog? Do you suspect that your dog has allergies? If so, then youve probably realized that allergies in dogs are not quite as simple as we might wish. For starters, there are several different types of allergies that could be causing your dogs symptoms.
Allergies are a misguided reaction to foreign substances by the bodys immune system, which, of course, people and pets can suffer from. There are quite a few different types of allergies in dogs. Skin allergies, food allergies, and environmental allergens all pose challenges for dogs and their owners, and to make things more complicated, the symptoms of all these different types of allergies can overlap.
Symptoms of Allergies in Dogs
The symptoms of allergies in dogs may vary depending on the cause. A dog that goes into anaphylactic shock, for instance, will have a drop in blood pressure followed by shock, which is very different from a skin condition.
In general, however, the following symptoms could be a sign of an allergic reaction.
- Itchiness
- Hives
- Swelling of the face, ears, lips, eyelids, or earflaps
- Red, inflamed skin
- Diarrhea
- Vomiting
- Sneezing
- Itchy ears
- Chronic ear infections
- Itchy, runny eyes
- Constant licking
Some of these symptoms could also be a sign of another condition. Make an appointment with your veterinarian if you notice changes in their behavior to get an accurate diagnosis.
Types of Allergic Reactions in Dogs
Allergic Dermatitis in Dogs
Skin allergies in dogs, known as allergic dermatitis, is the most common type of allergic reaction in dogs. Skin allergies in dogs are mainly caused by one of three things: fleas, food allergies, and atopicor environmentalallergies.Flea allergy dermatitis is an allergic reaction to fleabites, and some dogs are allergic to flea saliva, which can cause their skin to become red, inflamed, or scabbed because their skin will feel extremely itchy. Its the easiest type of allergic dermatitis to treat, since you can apply flea medication for dogs to help heal their skin.
Another cause of skin allergy in dogs is from food allergies and sensitivities. Just like humans can be allergic to certain foods or ingredients, dogs can be allergic, which can cause itchy skin. Dogs with food allergies usually have itchy ears or paws, sometimes along with gastrointestinal symptoms. Dr. Klein, Chief Veterinary Officer for the AKC, says that food allergies are not as common as you might think. True food allergies result in an immune response, which can range in symptoms from hives, facial swelling, and itchiness to gastrointestinal signs like vomiting and diarrhea or a combination of both.
Environmental allergens can also affect the skin and be the cause of allergic dermatitis. Things like dust, pollen, fungus, and mold can cause these reactions, but in most cases, these allergies are seasonal. As with food allergies that affect the skin, the most commonly affected areas are the paws and ears (but also include the wrists, ankles, muzzle, underarms, groin, around the eyes, and in between the toes).
All skin allergies pose the risk of secondary infection. As your dog scratches, bites, and licks at his skin, he risks opening up his skin to yeast and bacterial infections that may require treatment.
Urticaria, or Hives, in Dogs
Also known as urticaria, hives on dogs are very itchy but are not life-threatening. Hives appear as a reaction anywhere from 6 to 24 hours after exposure to allergens. This consists of itchy, swelled skin, that usually looks like a red rash. Its easiest to spot hives on dogs that are hairless or have short coats. Dogs with longer hair can get them too, but its more likely that youd be able to fee the hives rather than see them. Your vet will prescribe an antihistamine in order to treat urticaria in dogs.
Edema of Face or Throat
Swelling of the throat or face looks severe, but its actually almost never fatal. This area of swelling, which can also include swelling of the eyelids or ear flaps, is known as angioneurotic edema. Its actually pretty easily treated, and despite how it looks, its a good sign in terms of allergic reactions.
If your dog has edema of any of these areas, the time for a fatal allergic reaction has most likely passed, and they arent in as much danger. Angioneurotic edema occurs anywhere from 30 minutes to a few hours after exposure to an allergen, and can also come with hives.A veterinarian will often give dogs with this reaction an antihistamine injection. Untreated, it may take a day or two for the swelling to subside.
Anaphylactic Shock
Perhaps the most alarming of all the types of allergic reactions in dogs is anaphylactic shock. Like people, dogs can go into anaphylactic shock if they have a severe reaction to an allergen. This happens when antibodies produced by the host react negatively to the allergen, dropping your dogs blood pressure rapidly and sending them into shock. This can be fatal if not treated, but luckily, anaphylactic reactions are rare in dogs.
This can be a response to any allergen, most commonly bee or wasp stings, or vaccine reactions. Because of this, your vet will always recommend keeping a close eye on your dog after theyve been given any new vaccine, drug, or food item, as they might be allergic.
If a dog has had a past incident and survived, the owner may carry an epipen, but sometimes the first occurrence can lead to death. Fortunately these reactions are very rare in dogs.
In some rare cases, a severe food allergy reaction resulting in anaphylaxis can occur, similar to severe peanut allergies in humans. The best way to diagnose and treat a food allergy is to work with your veterinarian to manage your dogs symptoms and discover the ingredient causing the reaction.
Diagnosing Allergies in Dogs
Flea allergy dermatitis is typically the easiest allergy to diagnose. It is usually diagnosed by identifying fleas on your dogs body and applying a product that kills fleas before they can bite to see if that solves the issues.
The first thing your veterinarian will do in allergy testing is rule out any other condition that could be causing your dogs symptoms. If your veterinarian feels that an allergy is a likely cause, they may propose allergy testing to try and determine the cause of the allergen that is causing the reaction. However, keep in mind it may not always be possible to determine the cause of an allergy with testing.
If you have ever undergone allergy testing, then you know that diagnosing allergies is often complicated. Its the same for dogs, but its worth it to understand what to stay away from when it comes to your dog.Food allergies are often diagnosed using an elimination diet. A food trial consists of feeding a dog one source of protein and carbohydrate for 12 weeks.
Treating Allergies in Dogs
The best way to treat an allergy is avoidance of the cause and allergen, which may not always be possible. They type of treatment depends on the type of allergy your dog has. For example, the best way to treat flea allergy dermatitis is to kill the fleas, whereas the best way to treat a food allergy or food intolerance is a change in diet.
Depending on the cause and severity of your dogs allergic reaction, your veterinarian will prescribe different things. For hives, they might suggest antihistamines, cortisones, medicated shampoos, whereas with food allergies they might suggest fish oil or other Omega-3 fatty acid supplements. For skin allergies, they might prescribe dog-safe anti-inflammatory wipes or shampoo on skin to provide irritation relief.
In addition to any lifestyle changes that might be necessary, your veterinarian may also prescribe an allergy relief medication for your dog that will help control the signs associated with the allergic reaction, such as itching and any secondary skin infections that might have developed as a result of the irritant.
If your dog has a severe allergic reaction, your best course of action is to get them to an emergency veterinary hospital as quickly as possible.
Can Dogs Eat Fish?
NOTE: Always check with your veterinarian first before giving your dog any new foods, especially people foods. What might be OK for one dog might not be good for your dog, depending on multiple factors, such as their age, health history, health conditions, and diet. Dogs on prescription diets should not be fed any food or treats outside the diet.
Yes, dogs can eat fish. Fish may be found as an essential ingredient in nutritionally-balanced commercial dog foods, or introduced as part of a healthy,home-cooked diet approved by a veterinary nutritionist.
Fish provides a great source of protein, is relatively low in saturated fats, and is easily digestible as a cooked product. Fish is considered a novel protein in many commercial prescription diets, which may be beneficial to dogs with medical conditions such asfood allergiesor other dietary intolerances.
Fish is also a good source of several key vitamins and minerals that play important roles in maintaining your dogs health throughout her life.
Which Types of Fish Can Dogs Eat?
Smaller, younger, wild-caught fish are generally safe options when considering adding fresh or processed fish to your dogs diet.
Safe Fish for Dogs
Types of fish that are safe for dogs include:
These fish are generally less likely to have high tissue mercury levels or significant parasite burdens.
Can Dogs Eat Sardines?
Sardines seem to be generally accepted as a fish that is safe for dogs to consume due to their small size. They can be eaten skin-on and with the bones.
However, you should look for brands that are packed in water and contain no added salt.
Also look for brands that carry the MSC Certified (Marine Stewardship Council) blue fish labels. This label indicates that these fish are harvested from wild-caught fisheries with sustainable populations that work to minimize any negative impact on local marine habitats.
Can Dogs Eat Tilapia?
Tilapia can be fed to dogs if its cleaned properly (skinned, deboned, and only the boneless fillets offered as food) and cooked thoroughly.
This fish is a very low calorie and protein-rich food thats also high in selenium, potassium, and vitamin D. But it also has a lot of phosphorous, which may not be good for dogs with kidney problems.
Tilapia is famous for being grown under poor conditions in polluted waters, so purchasing U.S.-grown fish or fish produced locally might be a preferable (and perhaps healthier) option. Knowing where your food comes from and the regulations it must meet helps give you confidence that youre feeding your dog a safe, healthful product.
Can Dogs Eat Lobster?
Dogs can safely eat lobster, as its high in protein, iron, zinc, and omega-3 fatty acid. But the lobster needs to be cooked and the shell removed. Dogs should also not eat lobster in excess, as its high in iodine, sodium, fat, and cholesterol.
Types of Fish That Arent Safe for Dogs
Not all fish are safe for dogs, and you should avoid feeding your pup:
King mackerel
Albacore tuna (canned)
These fish species are typically larger and older when they are harvested. Not only are they more likely to have an accumulation of unhealthy levels of mercury in their tissues, but they often harbor parasites in their skin, muscle tissues, and internal organs.
Farm-raised fish should generally be avoided as well, particularly from areas where there are few industry regulations governing the type and quality of diet provided to the fish. Farm-raised fish may have increased potential for harmful residual antibiotic levels, dyes, and other potential toxins in the skin and muscle of the fish once they are harvested and processed.Be sure to source your fish from farms that are well-regulated and inspected.
Mercury poisoning in dogs can cause:
Advanced cases can cause depression, anorexia, paralysis, and even death. Young puppies are particularly susceptible to mercury exposure.
The symptoms dogs exhibit when exposed to parasite-containing fish depend on which parasite is ingested. But signs can include:
Dogs can die in as little as two weeks if the infection isnt treated.
What Are the Benefits of Fish for Dogs?
Fish can provide a novel protein for dogs, which can be particularly beneficial in managing and minimizing food allergies. Fish is also a great natural source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are vital for a healthy coat and healthy skin.
Omega-3 fatty acids also provide a natural anti-inflammatory component to a dogs diet, which can be very beneficial todogs that suffer from inflammatory bowel diseaseor joint diseases such as arthritis. Fish skin can be a valuable source of collagen, which is especially important for the bone and skin health of senior dogs.
Can Dogs Eat Raw Fish?
The American Veterinary Medical Association does not recommend consumption of raw or undercooked fish by dogs of any life stage, including pregnant females and puppies. Raw fish poses a greater risk of harboring and transmitting parasites embedded in the skin, muscle tissues, or internal organs.
Additionally, if the temperature of raw fish is not carefully monitored prior to consumption or if the fish is undercooked, theres an increased risk of transmission of bacterial organisms such assalmonella,Listeria,andClostridium. Not only are these bacteria dangerous to your dog, but they pose a public health risk to humans as well. For these reasons, any fish your dog eats should be properly cooked.
How To Cook Fish for Dogs
While how you cook fish depends on the type of fish, all fish for dogs should be prepared to meet human consumption standards.
But whether youre feeding your dog lobster or salmon, always prepare the fish plain and free of any additives that can be harmful to your dog. This includes garlic, onion, and butter.
Can Dogs Eat Fried Fish?
Fried fish is not recommended for dogs. Although fried fish is usually completely cooked and less likely to transmit parasites or bacteria when eaten, theres still an increased risk that your dog will experience gastrointestinal issues such as vomiting anddiarrhea. The heavy oils and butter used in fried fish can also cause pancreatitis in dogs.
Can Dogs Eat Fish Sticks?
Fish sticks are not recommended for dogs. Their added breading introduces oils, fats, salts, and empty calories to your pups diet and can trigger vomiting, diarrhea, or even pancreatitis.
Can Dogs Eat Fish Skin or Bones?
Uncooked fish skin is not safe for dogs to consume due to its potential to transmit parasites and bacteria.Fish skin thats prepared as a dried, jerky-type treat may be offered to dogs as long as surface scales have been removed and no oils or seasonings are used in the preparation process.
The fish head and tail, along with fish bones and fins, should not be fed to dogs. Fresh-caught fish should be carefully cleaned, deboned, and filleted before your dog eats it.
Fish bones can be dangerous to your dog. They can cause aggravation or physical injury to your dog if the fragments are swallowed, and the lining of the digestive tract is scratched or penetrated. Fish bones can even migrate through the walls of the stomach or the intestine and cause injury to adjacent organs and soft tissues.
Bones can also be a choking hazard for dogs. If you notice your dog is excessively drooling or pawing at their face, a bone may be lodged in their throat. Contact your vet immediately if this happens.
Fresh-caught fish should be carefully cleaned, deboned, and filleted before your dog eats it.
Can Puppies or Pregnant Dogs Eat Fish?
Pregnant females and weaned puppies may benefit from the extra protein found in fish, in addition to their regular prenatal or puppy diet. Always check with your veterinarian before offering fish to a pregnant dog or puppy.
Fresh fish is safe for pregnant females and puppies if its properly cleaned, deboned, cooked thoroughly, and offered in small amounts as a treat or as part of a balanced diet.
Light canned tuna (canned in water,notoil) may also be offered as part of a balanced diet or in addition to a commercially available, life stage-appropriate dog food.
How Much Fish Should Dogs Eat?
Depending on your dogs nutritional needs and general health, fish can be offered either as a special treat or dietary supplement several times a week.
Fish may be a daily component of your dogs diet if they require a hypoallergenic, novel source of protein to manage medical conditions such as allergies, arthritis, or inflammatory bowel disease.
In general, you can follow the portion recommendations below when feeding a healthy dog fish:
Extra-small dog (220 pounds) = one 1-inch by -inch square of fish TK
Small dog (2130 pounds) = two to three 1-inch by -inch square of fish
Medium dog (3150 pounds) = three to five 1-inch by -inch square of fish
Large dog (5190 pounds) = five to nine 1-inch by -inch square of fish
Extra-large dog (91+ pounds) = nine to ten 1-inch by -inch square of fish
Your veterinarian will guide you on the amount of fish your dogs diet should contain based on her age, weight, and medical needs, as well as the recommended brand of food.
How to Add Fish to Your Dogs Diet
Fish can be added to your dogs diet either as an occasional treat in addition to a commercially available, nutritionally balanced diet, or as part of a balanced home-cooked diet with other appropriate vitamins, minerals, and fat/carbohydrates/fiber.
If you are thinking of switching your dog to a home-cooked diet, talk to a veterinary nutritionist first to be sure that you are including all of the appropriate nutrients, vitamins, and minerals necessary to keep your dog healthy.
The bones, fins, head, tail, and scales of fish should not be included in your dogs food, as these portions could potentially cause oral trauma, pose a choking risk, or lead to an increased risk of intestinal perforation and damage to the surrounding organs.
Featured Image:
Leslie Gillette, DVMVeterinarian
Dr. Leslie Gillette graduated from the University of Florida College of Veterinary Medicine in 1998.After 12 years of small animal...